Club Rules



1. Membership for solo performers shall be by audition, unless deemed unnecessary at the President’s discretion. 

2. Anyone named on the programme as a solo performer or as part of an ensemble must be a member of the Club. Exceptionally, non-members may perform as part of an ensemble, which must include at least one club member. This rule does not apply to students in full-time education. 

3. Membership requires: a. completion of a membership form b. payment of the appropriate fee annually 

4. The membership shall include Honorary members agreed by the committee. 

5. Visitors shall be welcome and shall be asked to make a small donation to Club funds. 

6. Occasions of musical interest not conflicting with Music Club activities may be publicised, but not announced. 

7. The register of Club members shall be used only for Club purposes. 

8. The Annual General Meeting shall be held towards the close of the season. 

9. The officers of the Club shall be President, President-Elect or Vice President (as appropriate), Treasurer, Secretary and Programme Arranger. 

10. A President-Elect shall be elected by those in office and presented at an AGM to serve for one year, coinciding with the second year of the existing President. This shall be followed by two years as President and a further year as Vice President (four years in all). 

11. All other officers shall be elected at the AGM to serve for two years and shall be eligible for re-election. 

12. Two committee members shall be elected at the AGM to serve for two years and shall not be immediately eligible for re-election. 

13. The funds of the Club shall be applied solely to its stated aims. Any member who incurs legitimate expenses on behalf of the Club shall be reimbursed. 

14. In the event of the dissolution of the Club the remaining assets shall be devoted to objectives similar to those of the Club or transferred to some appropriate charity, to be determined by the Club members at or before the time of dissolution. 

15. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the committee or requested by any group of 15 members over any matter causing concern. 

(Amended June 2022)